Easter, Hi kids

From Lenten Calendar to Easter Calendar

Our Lenten Calendar was awesome: Martin and Lisa collected sooooo many hearts for their acts of kindness! We loved it!

We kept putting the little hearts for each act of kindness around Jesus on his Ressurection. But the kids started asking already about our next calendar. So I asked Martin, what he thought, what would we count down to and how we should prepare our next calendar. To my utter surprise he said this:

“We should start collecting little flames! Because soon the Holy Spirit will come and all the disciples and Mary will have flames above their heads!!! (Martin)

I think that’s an excellent idea! Sure, the flames come only on Pentecost, but every time we listen to our heart and do an act of kindness it is the Holy Spirit that whispers it to us. So Martin and Lisa could help the disciples through their acts of kindness: help them through this confusing period where they are all overwhelmed with all the events around Jesus. Acts of kindness bring joy into our hearts and smiles onto our faces but because they are out of love, they also bring us courage, wisdom and clarity. And this is what we want to give the disciples while they wait for the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.

Our figure of Jesus stays the same. (And little Martin and Lisa too.) Easter Sunday will be represented by our big Sun and it will be in the middle of our calendar. Pentecost is the seventh Sunday after Easter and the Sunday after Pentecost is Trinity Sunday which too still belongs to the Easter period. So we made 8 little suns to represent these Sundays. During this Easter period, almost every Sunday is special in some ways, so we will be adding to this basic calendar as we go.

For example the first Sunday after Easter was the Sunday of Divine Mercy. You can have a look here how we celebrated that day. The second Sunday was about the desciples of Emmaus and Jesus breaking bread. You can have a look here how we celebrated that day. Today Good Shepherd Sunday and you can find it here… and so on all the way to Trinity Sunday.

So here we are, setting up our Easter Calendar and starting to collect little flames while waiting for the the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Why don’t you join us?!

In the end we were too attached to our little hearts so we will continue counting our acts of kindness through hearts till Pentecost… 🙂

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